can mormons gamble. No Gambling. can mormons gamble

 No Gamblingcan mormons gamble  Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about Mormons gambling on the border There are 1

The Mormons have turned their backs on them. Vegas in the '50s and '60s was just for weekenders coming up from L. Mormons are not ChristiansStock Market investing is not gambling because by definition, gambling is when you wager money in the hopes of making more money without the benefit of "value". Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. Therefore, a lack of player traffic is not a problem at all. Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Psychotherapists. net casino Can mormons gamble florida remaining scratch offs mickey mantle's winstar It was that niche. Latter-day Saints believe obedience to this revelation will result in blessings of increased physical and spiritual well-being. As a Mormon, there are a few things that you can’t do. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints condemns gambling, games of chance, and lotteries as moral evils and admonishes its members not to participate in them in any form. 7 million Utah residents, 1. Wisdom warns us against substances that can harm us or enslave us, such as tobacco, alcohol, coffee, and tea. Howard W. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. Predictably, most were Millennials. People play poker. The Word of Wisdom's "strong drink" has been interpreted to mean any alcohol, including beer and wine. Church leaders have encouraged Church members to join with others in opposing the legalization and government sponsorship of any form of gambling. Talmage. They suffer strong withdrawal pains. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about Mormons gambling on the border Holy shit, that's just german. You have no notifications. Edited 1 time(s). Devout Mormon Mitt Romney. For those men and women who are full-time missionaries, they follow stricter guidelines. In the early 1990s I showed up at our ward Halloween party wearing a pregnant costume with baby dolls stuck on my legs, my hip, my boob with our 2 actual kids in tow. Gambling: The Mormon religion prohibits gambling and any other form of activity that involves the exchange of money for the possibility of winning a prize or money. In the Word of Wisdom, the Lord commands Mormons to abstain from harmful substances. gambling to more moderate stances that prescribe care for the potential gambler. ldsmediatalk. “They ask you [Muhammad] concerning wine and gambling. Settings WELCOME_INDEX, Bing [Bot] NO_PMS_INFOAs gambling can potentially lead to addictive behaviors, financial strain, and strained relationships, its compatibility with these values comes into question. How many wives Mormon can have? one wife Mormon men can lawfully have one wife. 4. . Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. One of the key features of Ignition is that it is fully licensed and regulated. Mormon pop star Brandon Flowers freely gambles at casinos and has not been summoned to a church court to explain himself. Remember. Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon tells the story of God's dealing with Americans in. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. More common these days is a simple prohibition of gambling games--possibly even when money isn't used. The main difference from some other types of investing is the way in which. Investing. " Greed is the worship of money and obviously, this isn't God's will. "'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. In this chapter we will examine the Book of Mormon to see how it holds up to the historical test. Best part of the mission. From their official website: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. The answer is yes, you can eat chocolate, but there are some things to consider. It's Sola scriptura, only the scripture. It was that niche. I personally like casino gambling, especially the games in which skill can improve your win rate. More common these days is a simple prohibition of gambling games--possibly even when money isn't used. I personally like casino gambling, especially the games in which skill can improve your win rate. The argument goes that, since stocks are bought in the hope (not guarantee) that they will increase in value, it is a form of gambling. Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. Also, taking a risk isn't the same as gambling and the Mormon church doesn't ban risk taking. We've all been there. It’s our understanding that in Mormon theology, gambling isn’t strictly forbidden, as are smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol and beverages with caffeine. If you are a horse doctor, much of your earnings may be from horses involved in races which is funded by gambling. ldsmediatalk. Can mormons gamble providence vs depaul basketball prediction lucky-dragon. Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. My scientific prediction is that if you gambled long enough each month you probably will. They Have Food Stored for Up to Three Months. ‘Mormon Land’: Therapist explores the Latter-day Saint view of sex and why it’s not just about making babies Latest from Mormon Land: COVID led to slowest church growth in 160 years; new. Extracts are concentrations of several different substances found in green tea. And, towards the end of his life, he was also an increasingly unwell man prone to erratic tendencies. ldsmediatalk. The highest poverty levels in the US are on reservations. Mormon pop star Brandon Flowers freely gambles at casinos and has not been summoned to a church court to explain himself. 0. There are a few things that Mormons are encouraged to avoid. Beginning in 1848, thousands of Mormons make the trek from Winter Quarters to the Great Salt Lake Valley. What do Mormons believe about God? God is often referred to in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as Heavenly Father, because He is the Father of all human spirits and they are created in His image (Genesis 1:27). ldsmediatalk. " Yes, them Mormon gals sure do love them some Bunco. For example, while Southern Baptists, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and affili-ates of several other religious groups are strongly encouraged not to gamble and are often prompted to fight the introduction of gambling in their communities (see, e. They view it as a practice that can lead to financial hardship, addiction, and the. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. “There can be no question about the moral ramifications of gambling, including government-sponsored lotteries. They also believe that families are an essential part of God’s plan and. ldsmediatalk. net casino Can mormons gamble florida remaining scratch offs mickey mantle's winstar It was that niche. Marvin K. Do you people know of cases like this that you can say what happened when a member was accused of gambling? If they excommunicate ordinary unknown members and not Brandon Flowers,then this case exposes hypocrisy in the. Mormons Gambling! Jon Huntsman ‘Accepts’ Mitt Romney’s $10,000 Bet In New Video. Compare your winnings (if any) from the two months and see if you had the windows of heaven opened the month you paid tithing. Can mormons gamble providence vs depaul basketball prediction lucky-dragon. They are issued from recommend book 2. I personally like casino gambling, especially the games in which skill can improve your win rate. It wasn’t strictly enforced until later, but Mormons who took the section seriously wouldn’t have been drinking Brigham’s whiskey. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about. . This is the natural response of our conscience to sin, and it can lead us to repent. In Mormon theology, gambling is not strictly forbidden, like smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol or beverages with caffeine; it is viewed as a lesser transgression, an evil based on the morally wrong philosophy of getting something for nothing, of taking money without giving fair value in return. these instructions state. 4, p. This includes lottery tickets, casino games, and any other forms of gambling. "'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. Church leaders have encouraged Church members to join with others in opposing the legalization and government sponsorship of any form of gambling. Nando Di Fino Dec 12th, 2011, 11:00 am . net casino Can mormons gamble florida remaining scratch offs mickey mantle's winstar It was that niche. There are 1. . Can mormons gamble providence vs depaul basketball prediction lucky-dragon. 00 bet on who's right. Mormon Irrationality or Magical Thinking I am regularly (such as last night) in conversation with well-educated Mormons who struggle when trying to deal with rational concepts related to things like science, investment strategies, politics and other purely secular matters. The same Mormon rules apply to the men. Mormon pop star Brandon Flowers freely gambles at casinos and has not been summoned to a church court to explain himself. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about Mormons gambling on the border Although faithful Mormons do not gamble — (“The church officially opposes gambling on the traditional Christian basis,” said Doug Nehring, an assistant recorder at the Las Vegas Temple) — the Mormons’ tradition of civic involvement and business acumen helped establish and maintain the tourist city based largely on What companies […] Gambling for them is just the plan of salvation lite. This deterrent is the same as the punishment for anyone caught drinking excessively. Devout Mormon Mitt Romney. Latter-day Saints believe God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save all mankind from their sins (see John 3:16). Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. Overview. It wasn't really a lot. Plus, men can be “sealed,” or married for eternity (Mormonism’s crowning rite), to more than one woman, while a woman can be sealed to only one man. com. The Bible and the Book of Mormon both testify of Jesus Christ, and we cherish both. The Church of Jesus Christ greatly values work and self-reliance, and participating in any form of gambling directly opposes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon church, recently updated its guidelines on iced coffee and tea, as well as. Church leaders have encouraged Church members to join with others in opposing the legalization and government. Devout Mormon Mitt Romney. 2. Mormon pop star Brandon Flowers freely gambles at casinos and has not been summoned to a church court to explain himself. Jessica Weeks, Terri Roberton and Barbara Brown work with folks struggling with addictions. Edited 1 time(s). The church teaches that the pursuit of wealth or money should not be the primary focus in life and that seeking after material possessions can distract from more important things. Buying a stock is not wagering on chance because you actually gain ownership of something that has. Mormons are asked to abstain from tattoos and body piercings. Mormon teaches that “all things are lawful unto me” (Moro. Gambling, watching television to excess, overeating, oversleeping, uncontrolled thinking, lusting, swearing, telling dirty or lewd stories, dressing immodestly, lying, cheating, playing cards-all are addictive. Never use tobacco products, such as cigarettes, snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, and pipe tobacco. Mormons believe God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are separate beings. . Settings WELCOME_INDEX, Bing [Bot] NO_PMS_INFOYou have no notifications. "'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not prohibit the use of vinegar. It is forbidden for Mormons to drink alcohol (D&C 89:5–7). “There can be no question about the moral ramifications of gambling, including government-sponsored lotteries. You have no notifications. Some individuals and groups may argue that coffee can provide certain health benefits why can’t mormons drink coffee, such as improved cognitive function,. Moral Issues on Which Mormons Disagree With Other Major U. The highest poverty levels in the US are on reservations. 2. Can a Mormon marry a non Mormon? Yes, it is possible for a Mormon to. net casino Can mormons gamble florida remaining scratch offs mickey mantle's winstar It was that niche. Kimball, “God Will Not Be Mocked,” Ensign, November 1974, 6–9). Mormons are commanded by the Lord in the Word of Wisdom to abstain from harmful substances. Can mormons gamble providence vs depaul basketball prediction lucky-dragon. They are also forbidden from gambling or any other untrue and honest dealings with money. I personally like casino gambling, especially the games in which skill can improve your win rate. . They can’t play in tournaments, leagues, and on regulation basketball courts. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not have a strict policy against dancing. Church members have been encouraged to join others in opposing the legalization of gambling. Edited 1 time(s). Latter-day Saints reject all forms of gambling as a pernicious evil to society. ” He makes it clear during the show that he’s from Utah and is a devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a faith that eschews. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about. Best part of the mission. Church Participation. Utah does not allow casino gambling or lotteries, and this is primarily due to LDS influence, but this is political. Over the last few decades, the medical community has made a major push against tobacco products due to the health concerns they present and the lives lost as a result. Church leaders have encouraged Church members to join with others in opposing the legalization and government sponsorship of any form of gambling. That troubled many believing Mormons, especially women, to whom the possibility of eternal polygamy is no laughing matter. More About Ignition Gambling Site. ldsmediatalk. , Ethics and Gambling in any form is condemned as a moral evil, and Mormons are admonished not to participate in it. Gardner, former editor of LDS Church magazines, wrote an article about gambling you can read at the link above. All Latter Day Saint movements. In addition, many Mormons also believe that these beverages contain substances that can be addictive and have a negative impact on. There are lots of other things. Mormons follow 13 key articles of faith - including a belief that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built on the American continent Mormons believe that God has a physical body, is married, and can. The Book of Mormon is allegedly for the Lamanites and the Mormons have understood them to be American Indians right in the United States. Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. Even more, the Church clarified its position by stating that coffee is allowed. Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. While Mormons trace their origins to the visions that Joseph Smith reported in the early 1820s, there’s now growing evidence that these visions may have been induced by psychedelics, such as “magic mushrooms” which contain the psychoactive ingredient psilocybin (and possibly the use of other psychedelics as well). The reason we’re counseled not to waste our time and money on it is simple: “Gambling is wrong. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about. net casino Can mormons gamble florida remaining scratch offs mickey mantle's winstar It was that niche. Can Mormons gamble? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. Daniel 2:44–45. net casino Can mormons gamble florida remaining scratch offs mickey mantle's winstar It was that niche. "'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. No Gambling. The Lord. No, Mormons are quite strict about coffee abstinence. Can Mormons gamble? In Mormon theology, gambling is not strictly forbidden, like smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol or beverages with caffeine; it is viewed as a lesser transgression, an evil “based on the morally wrong philosophy of getting something for nothing, of taking money without giving fair value in return. And nearly as many (19. They are already betting 10%+. In last night's debate, Romney displays just how. Early life. Edited 1 time(s). This section of this handbook describes mission organization and explains how you can best work and live with a companion, participate in mission activities, plan daily schedules, and serve others with the pure love of Christ. Clark’s, Messages of the First Presidency, Vol. ldsmediatalk. Mormons are far less likely to condone gambling (37%) and. net casino Can mormons gamble florida remaining scratch offs mickey mantle's winstar It was that niche. One type of gambling that has been vigorously criticized by our leaders is card playing. Here's what the gambling page--or more accurately, the anti-gambling page--from the Mormon website states: "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is opposed to gambling, including. They’ve got enough kids to field their own soccer teams and more, church meetings that can double as networking events, and a religious text that wasn’t etched on. ElGuero. Instead, it talks generally about avoiding "hot drinks. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about Mormons gambling on the border Can mormons gamble providence vs depaul basketball prediction lucky-dragon. Utah does not allow casino gambling or lotteries, and this is primarily due to LDS influence, but this is political. Can Mormons Gamble? There is an overview. Then, in the 1960s, Howard Hughes came to town. Gambling is considered an example of a ‘lesser transgression’, similar to. Although the church looks down upon gamblers, they do not excommunicate or punish their members for gambling unlike how they do for sex out of marriage or smoking and drinking. Mormons, or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, are probably best known for their friendliness, large families, and a baffling affinity for green Jell-O. In the gospel topics section of the official Web site of the Mormon Church, the faithful are taught about gambling. In accordance with the Word of Wisdom principles on “Vaping, Coffee, Tea, and Marijuana,” any drink that has the potential to cause addiction is prohibited. They view it as a practice that can lead to financial hardship, addiction, and the. Here is a sample three-day meal plan featuring some of the healthy foods that can be eaten on a Seventh-day Adventist diet. Turns out my funny take on motherhood was HIGHLY offensive to the women folk, who complained to our Bishop about my outfit. "'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. . Devout Mormon Mitt Romney. Gambling. Mormons are not allowed to have sex prior to marriage, consume alcohol, do drugs, swear or gamble. Mormons are taught not to drink any kind of alcohol (see D&C 89:5–7 ). Cards may, of course, be played without playing for money, but the relationship between card playing and gambling is so close and the practice of card playing itself partakes of so many of the disadvantages of gambling that card playing has come under. By some estimates, 90 percent of the 700,000 gamblers in West Wendover each year come from Utah. Is It Ok To Gamble? Problem gambling can have a negative effect on health. This has been a common practice throughout history. See FAQs. Utah does not allow casino gambling or lotteries, and this is primarily due to LDS influence, but this is political. There is no law that says, "if a member of the LDS church swears, they get kicked out immediately!" We try to use clean language, however, just like. Public lotteries are advocated as a means of relieving the burden of taxation. ldsmediatalk. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. Moreover, Mormons are discouraged from watching movies, TV shows, or engaging in any form of entertainment that is not wholesome. You have no notifications. In 1838, Joseph Smith claims he was told in a revelation that the church should be called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Gambling, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and. Hey there I spent some time being a missionary in wendover. Do Mormon's gamble? Post by _Drifting » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:53 am. ldsmediatalk. One month pay your tithing and spend $1,000 gambling. You can invest according to your goals and timelines: Conservative, moderate or aggressive. "'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. I personally like casino gambling, especially the games in which skill can improve your win rate. The Mormons have turned their backs on them. You have no notifications. Investing vs. Herbal teas are okay, unless they are made from the same plant as black tea. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. 19). In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, witness often refers to someone who bears witness, or testimony, of something he or she has experienced and knows to be true. ldsmediatalk. Mormons believe that gambling can have detrimental effects on individuals, families, and society as a whole. In 1993 there were 1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), also known as the Mormon church, strongly discourages gambling due to its addictive nature. S. Can mormons gamble providence vs depaul basketball prediction lucky-dragon. These include consuming alcohol, coffee, tea, and anything containing tobacco, partaking in profane language, telling vulgar stories, using drugs, and watching R-rated movies. Jana Riess. Trapped by the Mormons was created in 1922. , Jr. Gambling in any form is condemned as a moral evil, and Mormons are. There is no law that says, "if a member of the LDS church swears, they get kicked out immediately!" We try to use clean language, however, just like. Church leaders have opened the possibility for abortion in extreme instances of danger to the mother’s life, incest, and rape. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about. Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. . Do you people know of cases like this that you can say what happened when a member was accused of gambling? If they excommunicate ordinary unknown members and not Brandon Flowers,then this case exposes hypocrisy in the. Get the inside story about the nation's fastest growing city and the world's fastest growing religion--Las Vegas and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 2 million of whom are Mormons. These key elements of the faith include. Mormons also maintain a dedicate a portion of their resources to their faith by paying tithing, or a 10% tithe on their income to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. From a fear of being shunned, to being told it’s god’s will, there are only a handful of rare cases where the Amish community seek help from the police. 7 million Utah residents, 1. This faith appeals to transcendent reality, or that reality which is beyond the range. net casino Can mormons gamble florida remaining scratch offs mickey mantle's winstar It was that niche. ldsmediatalk. Church leaders have. Gambling can become an addiction if you use it too much or feel out of control. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. Gambling is the act of betting or wagering on an outcome with the intention of winning money or other material goods. The Mormons have turned their backs on them. I personally like casino gambling, especially the games in which skill can improve your win rate. : r/exmormon. " A Mormon and a Gentile are. That's greed for you right there. For example, we believe in following the laws of the land, etc. The Thirteen Articles of Faith. Search now for detailed listings and contact for gambling counselling in Gambling therapists in Dartmouth, Nova. Also, with half-court basketball, they can’t keep score. In a time when other Christian. Back when I was a Mormon, me and half the guys at my church-run Boy Scout troop spent half our time there playing Poker. 00 into Romney's campaign - with more to come. Does Hinduism follow the same God as Christianity, or do Hindus believe in a separate God entirely? Yes, Nearly all Hindus do believe in God, however, the nature of which particular deity they believe in can vary. " Little Jenni walks up and says, "My name is Jenni. President Joseph F. No mohawks, spikes, or fully bald heads are recommended. Church leaders have encouraged Church members to join. 3. Trapped by the Mormons was created in 1922. Church leaders have. Mormons are not allowed to drink coffee or tea for religious reasons. These organizations oversee payouts, fair gaming, and other internal procedures and practices. Some Mormons are even careful about putting any alcohol into food where it will be cooked out. In this article, we will be going into more detail about the belief in gods within Hinduism, including who their gods are. Another thing that Mormons are strongly discouraged from doing is engaging in gambling or playing games of chance. The abuse of Amish women mostly goes unnoticed. ldsmediatalk. Mormons are also not allowed to gamble or participate in other activities of chance. Gambling. Discover insights into the stance on casinos. The bonds between British and American reformers can be traced throughout the many social improvement projects of the nineteenth century. Almost as soon as their conception, playing cards were associated with gambling, drinking, and unlawful behaviors. T he Mormon's guide to life (you could say), the Word of Wisdom, advises Mormons to not gamble along with many other things. I'm looking for opinions because there's likely not a cut and dry answer to this (like a lot of things in our church): what do you think about…Gambling: Participating in gambling, including lotteries, sports betting, and casino games, is not allowed in the Mormon faith. Many Mormons live in Nevada, and I'm sure some of them work at casinos, and are not punished for this by Church leaders. In the gospel topics section of the official Web site of the Mormon Church, the faithful are taught about gambling. Can mormons gamble providence vs depaul basketball prediction lucky-dragon. Find gambling therapists, psychologists and gambling counsellors in Gambling therapists in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Devout Mormon Mitt Romney. Church leaders have encouraged Church members to join with others in opposing the legalization and government sponsorship of any form of gambling. Taking only parts of them does not change what they are. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. 1. Search now for detailed listings and contact for gambling counselling in Gambling therapists in Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada that. Gambling is one of the world’s vices that so far has had no grip on me. Mormon pop star Brandon Flowers freely gambles at casinos and has not been summoned to a church court to explain himself. I personally like casino gambling, especially the games in which skill can improve your win rate. I might be slightly obsessive compulsive and am worried about getting addicted. James Gamble was born at the Graan near Enniskillen in County Fermanagh, Ireland and went to Portora Royal School. ldsmediatalk. . Why can Mormons drink caffeine but not coffee? 8–9, the Lord forbids our using tobacco and “hot drinks,” which, Church leaders have explained, means tea and coffee. Gambling Overview The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. This desire is spiritually destructive. 1. The Mormon Church or Mormonism is a religion practiced both before and after the Great War. Rather, it’s viewed as. Wholesome herbs are also healthy for the body. For example, we. Last edit at 06/24/2018 06:50AM by mikemitchell. When gambling, there is always the desire to win more money. For example, while Southern Baptists, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and affili-ates of several other religious groups are strongly encouraged not to gamble and are often prompted to fight the introduction of gambling in their communities (see, e. 4. Doctrine and Covenants 115:4. Rather, it’s viewed as a lesser transgression, an evil “based on the morally wrong philosophy of getting something for nothing, of taking money without giving fair value in return. A person may feel dating person from a different faith is missionary work. #1. New casinos and showgirl venues opened up along Fremont Street, the only paved road in the city, in hopes of attracting workers. Las Vegas’ first Mormon temple opened in 1989 at the base of Frenchman Mountain. Ensign, ‘“Don’t Bet on It!”: A Latter-day Saint Look at Gambling,’ March 1986. . The answer to Why can’t mormons drink coffee is rooted in their faith and values. Smith counseled: “No kind of chance game, guessing contest, or raffling device can be approved in any entertainment under the auspices of our church organizations” (Mormon Doctrine, p. These practices. To gamble or wager, is to stake something of value on an event with an uncertain outcome. Smith addressed the topic of. Hughes was a billionaire, a film producer, and an aviator. Strategy: Slow and steady. 3K · 153. Hi everybody, I am doing a research project for school and noticed a news article about Mormons gambling on the border "Gambling looked like it was just going to go away despite being legal.